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 Saturday, January 15
Brooks suspended indefinitely by league
Associated Press

 NEW YORK -- Pittsburgh Penguins coach Herb Brooks was suspended indefinitely by the NHL Saturday for a profanity-filled tirade at a television commentator.

After the Penguins' 4-3 loss at Colorado Thursday, Brooks had to be restrained by security from going after Avalanche television play-by-play announcer John Kelly.

Herb Brooks
Twenty years after the "Miracle on Ice," Herb Brooks landed in the NHL doghouse.
Kelly suggested Penguins forward Matthew Barnaby faked an injury after being hit by Colorado's Alexei Gusarov with 27 seconds left in the game. Barnaby was on the ice, apparently unconscious, for about a minute before being taken to the locker room. No penalty was called, but on Friday Gusarov was suspended two games by the league.

"Did you make that call on Barnaby?" Brooks shouted. "You say he has a tendency to embellish? What the hell kind of call was that? You aren't half the person your dad was."

Kelly's father, Dan, is a member of the Hockey Hall of Fame who was the voice of the St. Louis Blues for 21 years.

Brooks, who coached the underdog United States to the Olympic gold medal in 1980, said Gusarov should have been assessed a major penalty.

"Look at the tape," Brooks said. "He tore his head off. We have two referees and they can't find that? Barnaby is just coming off a concussion. He was flat out -- knocked out -- and the referees didn't see it."

The NHL said a hearing on the case will be scheduled for next week. The suspension began with Saturday's game at Nashville.

"I'm disappointed. I have a responsibility to the organization. I feel bad I can't be included in the game tonight," Brooks said Saturday in a statement released by the team.

"What happened was an emotional moment in response to something that happened. I don't want to rationalize my actions, because I believe I realize one has to take responsibility for one's actions.

"I took exception to the disparaging remark made about one of our players. I guess I stood up for the players and our team in the wrong manner. I fully realize two wrongs don't make a right."


Barnaby: Brooks' suspension is 'ridiculous'

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 Herb Brooks confrontation (Courtesy: KUSA)
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