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 Wednesday, October 6
Modano to have more tests Wednesday
Associated Press

 IRVING, Texas -- Just a few days ago, Mike Modano lay still on the ice at Reunion Arena, thinking he would never walk again.

Mike Modano

As it turns out, Modano will walk -- but the matter of returning to the hockey rink is still up in the air.

Tests to determine when Modano will glide back into the game were scheduled for Wednesday.

Anaheim defenseman Ruslan Salei shoved Modano headfirst into the end boards during Saturday night's game, and received a 10-game suspension from the NHL Tuesday for the hit.

The collision shattered Modano's nose, knocked the Star into a mild concussion -- and sparked a tizzy over sportsmanship in the rink.

Modano watched a replay of the Salei's shove for the first time Sunday night. The video had him musing over what could have happened -- and calling for discipline.

NHL officials shouldn't rely on near-misses, Modano told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

"How many (games) would he have gotten (suspended) if I hadn't been able to walk?" Modano asked. "Is it any less of a dangerous play because I got lucky and was able to walk away? We're talking about a centimeter of difference."

Colin Campbell, NHL executive vice president and director of hockey operations, agreed it was fortunate Modano was not more severely injured.

"Everyone connected with hockey knows that a hit or a push from behind on a player is an extremely dangerous play and can result in serious injury," Campbell said.

Salei's suspension began Tuesday against the Phoenix Coyotes. He will forfeit $109,756 in salary and will be eligible to return on Oct. 29 against the Washington Capitals.

"People are so much into the revenge factor, an eye for an eye. You stop to wonder when enough is enough," Modano said.

"I think there are a lot of teams that are out to get our team from past experiences, even things that happened two to three years ago. They don't forget. They wait for an opportunity when you are in a position that they can hurt you and knock you out."

Two other Anaheim players were penalized Tuesday for different actions in Saturday's game.

Mighty Ducks defenseman Pascal Trepanier received a five-game suspension for hitting Dallas center Joe Nieuwendyk with an elbow to the head midway through the third period. Forward Jim McKenzie was suspended four games for initiating a fight with Stars defenseman Darryl Sydor, and persisting although Sydor offered no resistance and was defenseless.


NHL suspends Mighty Ducks' Salei for 10 games

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 Mike Modano has to leave the game with a neck injury. (Courtesy: KCAL Sports)
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