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Tuesday, May 8
Updated: May 9, 10:59 AM ET
User feedback: Shocker to Birds fans

Tom Modrak, the director of football operations who helped lead the Eagles back to the playoffs last season, was fired Monday. Mike McCartney, director of pro personnel, also lost his job in the front-office shake-up. Here are your thoughts on Jeffrey Lurie's decision:

They weren't dedicated Eagles
I think that the firing of Tom Modrak and Mike McCartney is good for the Eagles. If they were talking of jumping ship to go somewhere else, then the Eagles need to find people who are committed to this team. What would of happened if Lurie kept them and they started to get sour? The team would have taken a nose-dive from their high perch. They did a great job while they were Eagles, but the team needs people who bleed green, black, and white.
Tom Kurtz
Columbus, Mont.

We had a good thing going
With Modrak and Reid together, the Eagles were finally starting to get some recognition as a well-run organization. After years of embarrassment, I thought I could finally hold my head up and not worry about the team doing anything stupid. Well, I guess nothing lasts forever.
Brent Wehrmaker
San Diego, Calif.

Long term effect from bad decision
I have been a huge Eagles fan for 22 years. I am extremely disappointed in the decision to release Tom Modrak. I have a strange feeling this will come back to haunt us somewhere down the line. I was just beginning to get comfortable with our front office.
David Caputo

Firing too premature
This is the reason the Eagles have struggled for so long. The owner can't leave (the team) alone. Until the man says he's had a job offer, or his performance doesn't hold up, you don't let him go because of "rumors" he wanted to leave. Modrak has done an excellent job and I don't think Reid is ready to handle the extra load.
Mark Bostick
Tulsa, Okla.

Laurie really messed up this time
Horrible move. Modrak is the man who really brought the Eagles back form the depths of the cellar … not Reid. McCarthy was also a huge part of the Eagles' resurrection. We've acquired excellent free agents through his efforts. If there is nothing else to this firing than Modrak's being sought by other organizations, this is the most foolish move (among many) that Lurie has ever pulled.
Jim Bosler
Prospect Park, Pa.

Tough to manage on and off field
Modrak had to be let go. You cannot have someone in a management position who is not 100 percent committed to the cause of the organization. I don't like the idea of giving Andy Reid all the personnel decision making authority because it is difficult to manage the team on the field, but handling the team off the field is a job in itself. Isn't it a little hypocritical that Modrak got fired for being linked to job openings, yet Andy Reid will get a huge promotion and he was linked to the open BYU job last year?
Kevin Rohrbach
Maple Glen, Pa.

Deep pain for Eagles fans
This is not the news we want to hear in Philly. Just when things were looking good, after three good drafts (two that are proven), smart free-agent shopping, good cap room, new facilities, a national spotlight schedule and rising media attention, we get this bomb? Jeff, we have suffered enough!
Philadelphia, Pa.

Too early to judge
For the past 3 years, I've been very pleased with the decisions that the Eagles have made, but I'm not so sure about this one. It's a good thing that the Eagles have most of their players wrapped up to long-term deals to give Andy Reid the time to ease into the position. I don't think it will have an immediate impact on the Eagles, but it may affect the future if Reid handles the additional job poorly.
Todd Geraty
Syracuse, N.Y.

Lurie, show us the bills!
They took a chance and made a quarterback coach the head coach and now they will give him the full reigns. Just when they start to gain some respectability again, Lurie pulls this stunt. I've been a season ticket holder for close to 10 years now and I was finally beginning to enjoy the Birds again. Lurie should have just shelled out the cash to keep him from shopping his talents. This is very disappointing.
Reginald Battles
Philadelphia, Pa.

Be ready to hear the rants
Why would you try to fix something that isn't broken? Philly makes an astonishing turn around from last season and they think they need to make moves in the front office? I'm sure if we start out 0-4, Jeff Lurie will hear it from the fans, and their voices will be heard … LOUDLY.
Mark Haskell
Orono, Maine

Reid can't do both duties
I think that the Eagles made the right decision in relieving Modrak of his duties. This team is at a turning point of being a very good football team. Besides, I'm not that happy with Modrak's draft selections outside of the first round anyway. With that said, the worst thing that could happen would be for Reid to assume those front-office responsibilities. He is only entering his third year and needs to completely focus on coaching. Lurie must come out publicly with a commitment to hire and give responsibility to a top-notch personnel guy.
Chris Schulke
Wilmington, Del.

Lurie misevaluated the situation
I think Jeff Lurie doesn't know a good situation when he has one. I understand all the rumors about Modrak leaving could affect his status but why not have a plan "B" instead of jumping the gun and firing him. Andy Reid seems to be doing a good job. Keep in mind though Rich Kotite and Ray Rhodes started well also. If it ain't broke why fix it?
Chris Oekels

Modrak had an eye for talent
Jeffrey Lurie made a big mistake on Monday by firing Tom Modrak. Modrak was good at spotting talent and bringing in free agents such as Jon Runyan and James Thrash. I am a big fan of the Eagles, but Mr. Lurie might have made a huge mistake that could bite him in the future.
Jeff Karo
Philadelphia, Pa.

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