Thursday, May 17
Two undisclosed issues deadlock jury

LOS ANGELES – The jury deciding the case between the Oakland Raiders and the NFL sent the judge a note Thursday stating it was deadlocked on two issues in the team's $1.2 billion lawsuit against the league.

Specific contents of the note were not disclosed. Superior Court Judge Richard C. Hubbell sent instructions back to the jurors asking them to try to reach accord on other issues in the suit.

The panel first began deliberations on April 30, then had to begin again on May 4 after the jury foreman was excused to take a long-planned vacation. He was replaced by an alternate.

The Raiders claim the NFL forced them to abandon their plans in 1995 to build a new stadium at Hollywood Park in suburban Inglewood, and also that the team still owns the rights to the Los Angeles market. The league denies both claims.

The team, which returned to Oakland from Los Angeles before the 1995 season, is suing the league for $1 billion.

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