Saturday, July 28
Updated: July 29, 5:56 PM ET
Injuries somewhat minor, but could have been worse

MIAMI -- Jarrett Payton, the son of the late NFL star Walter Payton, and two other University of Miami football players were injured in a car accident Saturday night.

Payton, fellow running back Clinton Portis and defensive lineman Clint Hurtt were taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital's trauma center, where they were treated for minor cuts and bruises and released, Miami offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski said.

The accident occurred about 6 p.m. when Hurtt, who was driving Payton's 1999 BMW convertible southbound on Interstate 95 near downtown Miami, realized the left lane was an exit and swerved to the right, said Lt. Ernesto Duarte of the Florida Highway Patrol.

To avoid cars, Hurtt veered back to the left, struck a retaining wall and the car spun out of control, hitting another car, Duarte said.

None of the players was wearing seat belts, the top was down and Portis and Hurtt were ejected, Duarte said. Payton's BMW was totaled.

"They are very, very fortunate they didn't suffer more severe injuries or nobody died," he said.

Alcohol was not a factor, Duarte said.

"Driver error and speed contributed to this particular crash," he said.

Hurtt was cited for careless driving.

Payton is the son of the Chicago Bears Hall of Fame running back who died of bile duct cancer in November 1999. The younger Payton ran for 262 yards as a freshman in 1999 and redshirted last season because of an ankle injury.

Portis was expected to start for the Hurricanes this fall. He set the school's freshman rushing record in 1999 with 838 yards and had 485 yards in an injury-shortened season last year.

Hurtt, a senior, is out for the season with a knee injury.

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