Thursday, July 26
Updated: July 28, 3:53 PM ET
Summer workouts go on after tragedy

GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- There's a reason they call it The Swamp -- because of days like Thursday, where the sun played hide and seek between gray, soupy clouds, and a quick walk across the street was enough to leave a T-shirt layered in sweat.

There's also a reason Eraste Autin and 26 other freshmen reported to Florida early for voluntary practices. Just like incoming freshmen in programs all over the country, they need the extra time to get ready, not only for the climate, but for the rigors of big-time college football.

Autin, a fullback from Lafayette, La., died of complications related to heat stroke Wednesday. He collapsed last week after one of Florida's voluntary practices.

The day after his death, practice went on, but so many lives had been changed.

"He was a specimen of good health," said Autin's mother, Joanie. "He was never sick. He was so excited about going to Florida. It was his first real time away from home."

At the parents' request, no autopsy was performed. A cause of death is normally listed on the death certificate, but that had not become public record as of Thursday. Autin's funeral was set for Saturday morning in Lafayette.

Because they figured Autin would have wanted it this way, the Gators ran their final freshman workout of the summer exactly the same way they ran the 15 before it.

At about 4 p.m., when the freshmen were through lifting weights, they jogged out to the practice field. They stretched, went through agility drills, ran a series of sprints, and stopped for water whenever they needed it.

Seven members of the Florida training staff supervised.

"Other people at other schools call and say they don't have anyone out there supervising during their workouts," strength coach Rob Glass said. "Believe me, at Florida, we're at the apex of what's going on out there."

At the university where they invented Gatorade, athletics director Jeremy Foley said a full review of all Florida's practice regimen would begin shortly.

Still, there will be no easy fixes. Everyone present at the practice said Autin drank plenty of water at his last practice, and didn't show any signs of distress.

Florida State is undergoing a similar review in the wake of the February death of Devaughn Darling.

"I don't know how much there is that will be changed, but when something like this happens, that's natural," Florida State sports information director Rob Wilson said.

Foley agreed.

Florida's offseason program is similar to dozens around the country. They're hot, intense, and designed to whip players into shape. No normal doctor would recommend these kind of the workouts take place in the heat of the day. Then again, football players routinely do things most doctors would never recommend.

"Most schools encourage kids to come to summer school and help themselves academically," Virginia Tech coach Frank Beamer said. "Then, those guys work out together."

The alternative, Beamer said, is letting kids stay at home and work out alone -- or not work out at all.

"This situation makes some people question things," Glass said. "But believe me, if we didn't do any preparation, and all they did was hit the field Aug. 8, you would be asking for a lot more problems."

At Autin's old school, St. Thomas More High, friends gathered at a church to honor their fallen friend, a top student who had dreams of becoming a doctor, like his father. His high school coaches decided to rename the Cougar Award, given to the player who shows the best leadership skills, after Autin.

He had been offered an academic scholarship at LSU, and Nick Saban was hoping to snag Autin as a walk-on so the Tigers could save a football scholarship.

Autin's father, David, described him as deeply religious, "outgoing, friendly, loving, always smiling, courageous, strong, a good guy."

Florida coaches said he was the most enthusiastic of the incoming group.

"I never wanted to temper his enthusiasm, but I had to tell him, `Eraste we can't start football with you until Aug. 6,"' running backs coach Lawson Holland said. "I told him to go to class, study hall and work out. Enjoy the summer."

By almost every account, he did.

"We took a big hit yesterday losing him," freshman teammate Mike Degory said. "But all of us have gotten together, we're working harder. I think Eraste would have wanted us to work hard, and never give up."

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