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Knee injury could sideline Holloway
Associated Press

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Notre Dame tight end Jabari Holloway is expected to miss the Fiesta Bowl because of a torn ligament in his right knee, an injury he sustained against Rutgers on Nov. 18.

"I don't think Jabari Holloway will play," coach Bob Davie said after practice Wednesday. "He's going to go out there Monday and see how it is. But right now, we're counting on him not playing."

Holloway, wearing a brace on the knee, said he doesn't think he'd feel comfortable playing.

"It's all about confidence. I have to get confidence back in my knee," he said.

Holloway, one of four co-captains, has six catches for 97 yards in 10 games for the Irish while sharing time at tight end with fellow co-captain Dan O'Leary. HELP | ADVERTISER INFO | CONTACT US | TOOLS | SITE MAP
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