| Associated Press
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- They were Knight's army, marching from
Assembly Hall to the home of the Indiana University president who
had fired the basketball coach.
"Hey, hey, ho, ho. Myles Brand has got to go," some students
chanted. "Burn in hell, Brand," said a banner hanging from a
|  | Students at Indiana University march in protest after the firing of basketball coach Bob Knight. |
Campus police arrested 10 people, most for
disorderly conduct.
Someone ignited an effigy of Kent Harvey, the freshman whose
Thursday run-in with Knight at Assembly Hall triggered a weekend of
news conferences, investigations and meetings that ended with Bob
Knight's dismissal.
Knight, who met with his players Sunday night, emerged from
Assembly Hall just after midnight and addressed the throngs of
students who had been gathered outside for hours.
"In the next couple days, I'm going to get together somewhere
with as many students who want to come out, and them I'm going to
tell you my side of this thing," Knight told the crowd, which
responded with cheers. "And I think you'll be interested in
hearing it."
The news of the firing Sunday brought students to the arena
where banners celebrate Knight's three national championships. The
students cursed Brand. Then, thousands strong, marched about a half
mile to the president's home at the heart of the campus while
police in riot gear stood watch.
Within the hour of Brand's announcement, car horns blared and
chants of "We love Bobby" echoed off the limestone walls of the
James Turner, a 21-year-old senior from Fort Wayne, grabbed a
bullhorn outside Assembly Hall.
"I was born in the state of Indiana, I've lived here all my
life, and I don't ever want to be anywhere else. But today I'm
ashamed to call myself a Hoosier," Turner said, bringing loud
applause from the crowd.
Andrea Osman held up a red university flag on which she
scrawled: "The spineless political institution of the year."
"I believe Indiana University as an institution caved in to
pressure from the outside world, specifically the media, instead of
doing what's best for the IU community," she said.
Moments earlier, someone ignited a pile of red and white Indiana
apparel in the arena's parking lot. A police officer moved in with
a fire extinguisher. Security guards videotaped the action.
Matt Schildkret, 18, could not contain his frustration.
"All the freshmen, we came here to see Bobby. Now we can't see
him. It's ridiculous," Schildkret said.
At the Memorial Student Union, students had watched Brand's news
conference on television. Shilin Chiu, a 20-year-old senior, recalled a
recent trip to San Francisco where she was asked about the man who,
for many people, has come to represent Indiana University. Things
will change now that Knight's gone, she said.
"I believe the university will gain more recognition," Chiu
Knight's players had left the campus to drive to Indianapolis to
watch Brand's news conference and ponder whether to finish their
college careers wearing Indiana's cream and crimson uniforms.
"We realize that IU is a great university, but we came here to
play for coach Knight," junior forward Tom Geyer said. "Right
now, you just have to consider what all your options are."
Before the news conference, Brand informed Gov. Frank O'Bannon
of his decision to fire Knight.
"I have known Bob Knight for many years and am personally
saddened by this outcome and the chain of events that led to it,"
O'Bannon said. "Nonetheless, I am confident that IU's action today
is in the best interest of the university, and I fully support its
Steve Alford, the star of Knight's 1987 championship team and
now the coach at Big Ten rival Iowa, said Bloomington would not be
the same for him.
"I have always seen Indiana University and coach Knight as one
in the same," Alford said.
Michigan State coach Tom Izzo acknowledged Knight could have
conducted himself better.
"But the great things he's done and the wonderful things he's
accomplished far outweigh the bad," Izzo said.
| |
Ousted General: Knight fired for unacceptable behavior
Indiana vows to protect coach's accuser from threats
Katz: Knight remained combative until bitter end
Forde: Knight was so gifted, so flawed
Iowa confident Alford not leaving for Hoosiers
Bilas: Knight was his own worst enemy
'Terrifying' threats aimed at Knight's accuser
Users react: Knight out at Indiana
IU President Myles Brand's statement
Bob Knight career timeline
Stepfather of student wants apology from Knight

Indiana University officials excuse Bob Knight of his coaching duties. RealVideo: 28.8
Athletics director Clarence Doninger talks about the future of Indiana basketball with ESPN's Ed Werder. RealVideo: 28.8
Mark Shaw, the stepfather of Indiana University student Kent Harvey speaks with the ESPNews crew. RealVideo: 28.8
ESPN's Dick Vitale looks at where Indiana and Bob Knight go from here. RealVideo: 28.8