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Monday, July 8
Updated: July 17, 3:38 AM ET
Dunleavy, Gooden debut in Long Beach

Mike Dunleavy and Drew Gooden -- the third and fourth overall picks of the 2002 NBA draft, respectively -- make their NBA debuts this month at the Summer Pro League in Long Beach, Calif.

The SPL holds its 33rd year of action from July 7 to July 21 at The Pyramid on the campus of Cal State Long Beach. The league features rosters of eight NBA teams, including the world champion Los Angeles Lakers.

In addition to the Golden State Warriors' Dunleavy and the Memphis Grizzlies' Gooden, the Phoenix Suns will get their first glimpses of Amare Stoudemire -- the highest-drafted high schooler in this year's draft -- and Casey Jacobsen in an NBA uniform.

The Summer Pro League also enables players to show off their skills to scouts from the NBA and professional leagues in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Australia.

Summer Pro League rosters

  • Los Angeles Clippers
    Mike Batiste, Keith Carter, Eric Chatfield, Kenny Dye, James Head, Harold Jamison, Nikola Jestratijevic, Kendrick Johnson, John Linehan, Randy Livingston, Albert Mouring, Ndongo N'Diaye, Quentin Richardson, Pepe Sanchez.

  • Dallas Mavericks
    Tariq Abdul-Wahad, John Celestand, Andy Ellis, Tyrone Ellis, Lynn Greer, Thomas Hamilton, Thomas Hill, Jaren Jackson, Alex Jensen, Charles Manga, Robert Maras.

  • Golden State Warriors
    Gilbert Arenas, Nate Blessen, Bryan Christiansen, Mike Dunleavy, Anthony Grundy, Kwan Johnson, Steve Logan, Aaron McGhee, Troy Murphy, Lee Nosse, Chad Prewitt, Livan Pyfrom, Jason Richardson, Jobey Thomas, Jiri Welsch.

  • Houston Rockets
    Tierre Brown, Jason Collier, Dane Fife, Eddie Griffin, Venson Hamilton, Kyle Hill, Fred Jonzen, Tito Maddox, Pete Mickael, Terence Morris, Bostjan Nachbar, Ike Nwankwo, Oscar Torres.

  • Los Angeles Lakers
    Ruben Nembhard, Maurice Carter, Bennett Davidson, Jamario Moon, Soumail Samaki, Jannero Pargo, Kei Madison, Mark Madsen, Larry Reid, Brandon Kurtz, Jelani McCoy, Kareem Rush.

  • Memphis Grizzlies
    Robert Archibald, Eddie Gill, Drew Gooden, Chris Owens, Will Solomon.

  • Miami Heat
    Malik Allen, William Avery, Travarus Bennett, David Bluthenthal, Ernest Brown, Caron Butler, Rasual Butler, Eric Channing, Richie Frahm, Kimani Ffriend, Tony Gonzalez, Nate Green, Mike James, Ken Johnson, Sean Lampley, Bill Phillips, Luke Recker.

  • Phoenix Suns
    Maurice Baker, Randy Brown, Chris Burgess, Joseph Crispin, Monte Cummings, Alton Ford, Casey Jacobsen, Joe Johnson, Dan McClintock, Terquin Mott, Milt Palacio, Nick Stapleton, Cam Stephens, Jarod Stevenson, Amare Stoudemire, Jake Tsakalidis, Jake Voskuhl, Galen Young. *Rookie/free agent camp roster.

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