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Tuesday, February 27
Updated: March 14, 7:37 AM ET
Expect some serious noise

Madison Square Garden will be rocking tonight, there's no question about it. The question is, will it be applause for Patrick Ewing, or will the boo birds be out in force?

If your feedback is any indication, Ewing is in line for a major ovation from fans who appreciate his 15 years as a Knick. There may be a few boos scattered here and there, but they'll be in the minority.

Nothing but cheers for Patrick
Fans watching the Knicks game tonight should expect a half-hour delay before tip off. And in that half hour, all those fans fortunate enough to be at The Garden should pay tribute to a true warrior who wanted nothing more than to deliver them that long-awaited title. Patrick Ewing left his heart, soul, blood, sweat, and tears on that hardwood every night. He may not have been the most amiable of players, but he is deserving of a true hero's welcome. We owe him that much...

Noel Fitzpatrick
Sayville, NY

The biggest ovation ever...
I think the fans should give Ewing an ovation. And I am sure it will be the loudest and most emotional ever given to an opposing player. Patrick gave it his all for 15 years, and despite the fact that he never came up big with the Knicks, fans such as myself appreciate that. He was our last franchise player and the last star that NY drafted out of college.

Seattle, WA

He deserves a Bronx cheer
They should boo as loud as they can. He was an overrated player, he was never able to take over a game. In game 7 against Houston in 1994, the Knicks did not win the game because of him, not because of John Starks. Starks was taking all those 3-point shots because Ewing could not take over the game. That was the finals. You are playing for a championship, you do not save anything for the next day. You need to put your heart and soul into the game. Ewing is not a leader and will never be a leader. I am glad he is averaging nine points and eight rebounds a game, now everybody knows that he is a loser.

Mauricio Murga
Clifton, NJ

Spending Spike Lee's money
I thing Patrick should get a standing ovation not only when he is introduced but as soon as he steps on the hardwood floor. I also think the broadcasters should wear Knicks jerseys with #33 on them in respect for Patrick Ewing.There should also be a brand new car on center court for him at halftime for everything he's done for the franchise. There were no championships, but so what? There was pride, wins, playoffs, etc. And by the way, the person who I think should purchase the 2001 Cadillac Escalade for Ewing is Spike Lee.

Dwayne Buchanon
San Diego, Calif.

True fans will applaud
I will be there and I will be on my feet, thanking the man that was our franchise for more than a decade. Anyone who doesn't has no place calling themselves a Knicks fan. What's done is done. Now is the time to look back on all the greatness he brought us, not look back at disappointments.

Josh Alper
New York, NY

No cheering for that choker
The fans should boo Ewing because he never did anything great to win a championship. In the 1994 Finals, everybody blamed Starks for losing the series. At least Starks stepped up and scored 30 in one of those games. Ewing never scored more than 15 points in the 1994 Finals. That was his chance to show the world he was a dominating center and he blew it. Olajuwon outplayed him in all of the seven games. Why should fans cheer for a player who choked when they needed him the most? If this was soccer, he would've been shot.

G. Scott
New York, NY

They'd better cheer him
If Garden fans do anything other than a sustained standing ovation, then they are classless.

Jeff Flint
Sacramento, Calif.

A punishment worse than death...
Patrick Ewing was one of the top three Knicks of all time. He wasn't the reason the Knicks didn't win an NBA championship in the Jordan era. You can blame Knick management for that. Anyone who boos him this evening deserves a lifetime of XFL games as punishment.

Matt Carnicelli
Queens, NY

An interesting distinction
I am a New York Knicks fan, not a "New York" fan. Knicks fan will cheer, New York fans will boo.

Morristown, NJ

Not a big fan
Ewing will get the special Bronx Cheer when he steps onto the court and he deserves it. He's never shown ANY type of respect to the fans, the organization, or the media. He's a miserable person...

Christopher Kyriacou
West Caldwell, NJ

He's a brick and the Knicks are drowning slowly
Patrick Ewing is as valuable to Madison Square Garden as the mortar and bricks that hold the arena together. He not only was the foundation of Knicks basketball for 15 years, he was an unselfish and respected leader by teamates and fans. A true fan will never forget what he did for that city...and he should be embraced as the Greatest Gladiator of the Garden!

Matt Sutton
Washington, DC

Don't applaud the enemy
Ewing should be booed like crazy. True fans should never cheer for the enemy. Ewing may very well be "the greatest Knick ever" but tonight he is a Sonic, and therefore should be heckeled and booed until he steps off the court. It makes me sick when I am at a game and the home fans cheer for the visiting players.

Poughkeepsie, NY

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