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Friday, July 18
Statements from Kobe Bryant, Vanessa Bryant news services

Statements made by Kobe Bryant and his wife, Vanessa, after the Lakers guard was charged with a single count of felony sexual assault Friday:

Statement from Kobe Bryant at news conference:

"I'm innocent. You know, I didn't force her to do anything against her will. I'm innocent. You know, I sit here in front of you guys, furious at myself, disgusted at myself for making the mistake of adultery.

"And I love my wife with all my heart. She's my backbone. You're a blessing. You're a piece of my heart, you're the air I breath. You're the strongest person I know and I'm so sorry for having to put you through this, and having to put our family through this.

"And I'm a human being. I'm a man just like everybody else. I mourn, I cry just like everybody else. And I sit here before you guys, embarrassed and ashamed for committing adultery. And you know if I could go through the feeling of -- if I could just turn back the hands of time -- and I love my wife so much. She's so special to me. But I'm innocent. And together, my wife and I and my family, we're going to fight these false accusations.

"We have a lot at stake, I have a lot at stake, and it has nothing to do with the game of basketball, it has nothing to do with endorsements. Nothing at all. This is about us. This is about our family. And I've been falsely accused of something and I'm innocent. Shoulder to shoulder we're going to fight this all the way to the end.

"And I appreciate everybody out there for their support. And we're going to need their support and prayers now more than ever. Thank you."

Statement from Kobe Bryant, released by attorneys:

"I am innocent of the charges filed today. I did not assault the woman who is accusing me.

"I made the mistake of adultery. I have to answer to my wife and my God for my actions that night and I pray that both will forgive me.

"Nothing that happened June 30th was against the will of the woman who now falsely accuses me.

"These false allegations have hurt my family. I will fight against these allegations with all my strength. My wife is the strongest person I know. She is willing to stand by me despite my mistake. That means everything to me.

"I have so much to live for. And by that I do not mean the contracts, or the money, or the fame. I mean my family. I will fight for them.

"I appreciate all those who have supported me. Thank you for believing in me. My family and I are going to need your support and prayers now more than ever."

Statement from Vanessa Bryant, released by attorneys:

"I know that my husband has made a mistake -- the mistake of adultery. He and I will have to deal with that within our marriage, and we will do so. He is not a criminal.

"I know that he did not commit a crime, he did not assault anyone. He is a loving and kind husband and father. I believe in his innocence.

"Because I know him to be innocent, I will stand by him and we will face this together. I will give him all the strength and support he needs to face these false accusations. I will not let him face these accusations alone.

"I know Kobe better than anyone. The great person you see on the court and in the public is a far greater person off the court."

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