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Saturday, May 24
Johnson, Jordan to meet again in June

Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Bob Johnson plans to talk with Michael Jordan again June 2 to gauge Jordan's level of interest in joining Charlotte's expansion NBA franchise.

"Michael is aware that I am going to be reaching out to him to do a gut-check, an analysis of where he is,'' Johnson said Friday. "He knows what is available to him here in Charlotte.''

Johnson made his debut as owner of a professional franchise Friday night when the Charlotte Sting opened the WNBA season against the Washington Mystics. He met with the players in the locker room before the game, addressed the crowd of 10,000, and sat courtside with Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory.

But at halftime, the focus quickly turned to his pursuit of Jordan, a longtime friend of Johnson.

Johnson has spoken to Jordan twice since the Washington Wizards declined to bring him back in a front office role earlier this month. The two talked briefly the day the Wizards and Jordan parted, and one other time, when Johnson made his sales pitch.

Johnson said last week he could wait until July, or even longer, for Jordan to decide what he wants to do. But he will try to determine which way Jordan is leaning when they speak in June.

"He's doing what anybody would do -- evaluating what his best opportunity in the league is,'' Johnson said. "I understand that. He needs to decide if he wants to pursue majority ownership somewhere else, part-owner here, whatever he wants to do.''

Johnson paid $300 million for the rights to Charlotte's yet-to-be-named expansion team, which will replace the New Orleans Hornets and begin playing in 2004-05.

Johnson wants to remain majority owner but sell a portion of the team to Jordan. He also is willing to make Jordan team president and give him total control over all basketball decisions.

"I've said before that Michael is best served in any capacity he wants here,'' Johnson said.

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