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Thursday, April 25
Chinese government wants its share of Yao's fortune

Associated Press

SHANGHAI, China -- China's sensational 7-foot-5 center, Yao Ming, will have a big partner in his NBA career -- the Chinese government.

Under regulations issued by the China Basketball Association, Yao would be forced to turn over half his income to his government and sports authorities.

The rules also include complicated procedures for Chinese professional players seeking to play overseas, according to Wednesday's Shanghai Morning Post.

The newspaper criticized the regulations as "complicating and confusing Yao Ming's NBA prospects."

Yao is considered a possible overall No. 1 pick in the NBA draft on June 26; he is scheduled for a 45-minute workout before NBA scouts next Wednesday in Chicago.

His current team, the Shanghai Sharks, finally gave him permission last week to enter the NBA draft after blocking him for years.

"I've already had many frustrations," the Morning Post quoted Yao as saying. "A few more won't break me."

Government rules state that players overseas must give 30 percent of their earnings to the China Basketball Association -- China's state-run equivalent of the NBA. Government agencies will take another 20 percent, the Morning Post said.

It is unclear whether this must be handed over before or after paying U.S. taxes.

It also was unclear whether these regulations were new or merely formalized existing practices.

However, the Yangzi Evening News, a Hangzhou-based newspaper, reported Thursday that the new regulations would not affect Yao's plans.

It quoted China Basketball Association assistant director Hu Jia as saying his organization "has always supported Yao Ming's joining the NBA draft."

NBA spokesman Terry Lyons said any government claims on Yao's earnings "would be between him and the Chinese officials."

He added: "The NBA is optimistic that Yao Ming's entry into the league will be great for the sport."

The Sharks recently won the Chinese Basketball League title, with Yao shooting 21-for-21 from the field in Game 1. Yao is the son of two former Chinese national team players, and has been playing organized basketball since he was a child.

He possesses an outside shot, a well-rounded low post game and solid fundamentals -- a rare combination for a player so tall. Most draft analysts expect Yao or Duke's Jason Williams to be selected first overall, although it will be difficult for any team to pass on a player as unique as Yao.

As a No. 1 draft pick, Yao would receive a three-year contract worth about $10.4 million with the team holding an option for a fourth year at $4.6 million. Yao also would earn millions more in endorsements.

That's a big jump for a 22-year-old whose parents now ride to his games on bicycles.

Thursday's Beijing Times reported athletes overseas already pay half their income to the government. Two Chinese players are already in the NBA -- Dallas Mavericks forward Wang Zhizhi and Denver Nuggets center Menk Bateer.

Beijing routinely requires other citizens -- from engineers to concert pianists -- to turn over large portions of what they earn abroad.

The newly issued regulations also require professional players to be ready to return to China at any time, ostensibly to join the national team. They can also be punished for revealing the national team's plays and strategies.

Violators will be banned from the national team and from all domestic play in China for at least one year, the Shanghai Morning Post said.

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