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 Thursday, March 23
Olajuwon sidelined two to three weeks
Associated Press

 HOUSTON -- The Houston Rockets decided the best place for ailing Hakeem Olajuwon is on the sidelines for two to three weeks.

Olajuwon has an asthma-like condition, which prevents him from breathing properly during games, and coach Rudy Tomjanovich is pleased the Rockets' star is taking time off.

Hakeem Olajuwon
Shooting over Hakeem Olajuwon has been a nightmare for Portland's Brian Grant, among others.

"I feel relieved that he's in a safe situation because I don't want to see anything happen to him," Tomjanovich said. "This isn't a surprise, because he's been struggling with this."

Olajuwon, officially placed on the injured list Thursday, missed 22 games this season recovering from hernia surgery and has had his playing time slowed by the respiratory problem. He played 16 minutes in Tuesday's loss to Cleveland with two points and four rebounds but was fatigued early.

The Rockets reactivated forward Matt Bullard from the injured list to replace Olajuwon. The 6-foot-10, 235-pound Bullard missed the last 10 games with back spasms. He averages seven points and 2.8 rebounds per game.

Tomjanovich said Olajuwon "has had moments where he looked like he was recovering and making strides and then in that last game at the first time-out, he just couldn't catch his breath. At that point, I started thinking 'Just for his welfare, are we doing the right thing by having this guy out there?'

"Because he's been through so many different ailments ... it just hit me as concern for him as a person."

Team physician Dr. James Muntz wouldn't speculate if Olajuwon would return this year or next season, the final year of his contract. The regular season ends April 19.

"It's hard to answer that now," Muntz said. "What we'd like to do is have him take off and see if he gets to feeling better. He had some side effects from his previous medication, so we want to try some things out."

Olajuwon, 37, was diagnosed March 1 with a disease that restricts the flow of air through his bronchial passages during heavy exercise, causing spasms in his lungs. He has been taking medicine for the condition.

"Hakeem Olajuwon came in for a follow-up for his respiratory status, and as you can see he's having some problems, so we asked him to take some time off," Muntz said.

Muntz said Olajuwon's condition had not worsened, but had not gotten better since the first diagnosis.

The breathing problem limited Olajuwon's playing time -- he has played as much as half a game only once since the diagnosis. He is averaging 24 minutes a game for the season, 13.4 below his career average.

"If he was not playing basketball, he would not even know he has this condition," Muntz said.

Olajuwon, the NBA's career leader in blocked shots and the Rockets' leader in virtually every offensive category, said next season will be his last. It also is the last of his contract, which is worth $16.5 million.

Olajuwon's career averages were 23.6 points and 11.8 rebounds beginning this season. He is averaging 10.3 points and 6.2 rebounds this season.

Francis' 34 boosts Rockets, who halt eight-game slide

Olajuwon needs to take breather from basketball

 Rockets physician Dr. Jim Muntz discusses Olajuwon's respiratory problems.
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