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Wednesday, July 12
Diamondbacks fans give midseason report
We told you what we thought of the Diamondbacks' first-half performance, now you've told us. Here is what you had to say about our reports and what the Diamondbacks have to do in the second half:

Although they don't seem as dominant as last year, they should win their division. i look for them to go deep into the playoffs.

Charlie Lake

Mark my words ... World Series Champs!

Andy Wilfong
Fairmont, W. Va.

I think that the D-Backs have had a great first half and congrats to Steve Finley for making the All-Star Game. Although the offense hasn't been all that great, the pitching has been outstanding except for Daal. I think that once they get Matt Williams and Durazo back in the lineup it will change the whole look of the D-Backs lineup from what it was for the whole year. The D-Backs will win it all this year!

Bryan Miller
Peoria, Ari.

They have done pretty good up to now, but can't win it all unless they fill in the holes of their starting pitching. Some trade or trades will have to be made to strengthen their starting pitching, otherwise the Big Unit can never get the title he deserves.

Brian Magee
Tomball, Tx.

Arizona misses Matt Williams a lot. Travis Lee will have to find his power of two years ago. And PLEASE send Omar Daal to the minors until he finds his stuff. Bring up John Patterson. And let Byung-Hyun Kim start a game.

Jared Holladay
Thornburg , Va.

I like what you guys had to say about the D-Backs. You sure wouldn't know it by the coverage you give them. Once again they are right up there as one of the best teams in baseball, tied for best in the NL. If it had not been for so many injuries, i.e. Stottlemyre, Durazo, Willams, we would be on top of all of baseball. But thank you for recoginizing their first half accomplishments.

Rob Pawlikowski
Tempe, Ariz.

Dont forget about Brian Anderson. With the loss of Stottlemyre and Daal struggling, BA has been a solid picher dating back to last year when he entered the rotation out of the bullpen. Look for the D-backs to get hot once they get healty (only one day this year has there NOT been someone on DL and they still have 51 wins at the break).

Michael Harvey
Mesa, Ariz

In their third year of existence, I believe that the Diamondbacks have already developed a solid franchise that will contend for years. With two of baseball's best pitchers in Randy Johnson and Byung-Hyun Kim, a fortified lineup, and an incredible scouting staff that found former carpenter Geraldo Guzman, the Diamondbacks should cruise straight to the playoffs for years to come.

Danvers, Mass.

I agree that Randy Johnson is the best pitcher in the game. One of the the most suprising things about the D-backs this year this the play of all young players we have brought up from the minor leagues. They have given a needed boost when our starters have gone down or they were just not produceing like they should.

John Hull

First of all, Omar Daal. Last season he pitched awesome. This year is getting thrown around like a rag doll. I expect either a turn around or for him to get sent down to the minors. Also Kim stepped in great this year. I love this guy he has been proving himself over and over. Not many games are going to be blown for this team.

Nick Olson
Seymour, Wis.

I think, in order for the Diamondbacks to stay alive in the playoff race and to stay in first place they need to stay healthy and get their key guys off the disabled list. Their pitching needs to stay consistent and the starters need to have a good second half if they want to remain on top.

Joel Karabach
Peoria, Ariz.


Midseason report: Arizona Diamondbacks

MLB midseason reports