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Wednesday, July 12
Tigers fans give midseason report
We told you what we thought of the Tigers' first-half performance, now you've told us. Here is what you had to say about what the Tigers have to do in the second half:

I think the Tigers should cut their losses and trade Juan Gonzalez. How could he put up big numbers in Texas and be an ordinary Joe? I know he was hurt, but why didn't he accept the Tigers offer? You can tell he is not happy being a Tiger so why didn't he want to go to New York?

Tony Villarel
Saginaw, Mich.

The problem with Detroit is that they need someone who can hit .320 with 40 HRs and drive in 120 runs. They traded for this person in the offseason. Too bad the person with this ability has the head of Juan Gonzalez. There's no doubt he has the ability to put up those numbers, even in Comerica Park, if he would just stop worrying about his statistics. This park could be a great advantage to Detroit in this era when everyone swings for the fences.

Lance Evert
Sterling Heights, Mich.

Higginson should be Comeback Player of the Year, Tony Clark should be traded for a bag of baseballs and a Happy Meal. He has more holes in his swing than a dozen donuts.
Mike Sicilia

They shouldn't have hired a guy (Phil Garner) who wasn't winning in like five years to start a winning program. I think it was just laziness in the front office, they didn't want to spend too much time or effort in finding a new manager, so they just took the guy who fell in their lap.

Joey Guillen
Ann Arbor, Mich.

The Tigers have teased us with some exciting stretches, but still can't find a way to be consistent enough to move into the upper echelon of teams. They've been shut out an enormous number of times and make mediocre pitchers "aces" by swinging at too many bad pitches. Detroit's pitching staff, with a couple of exceptions, isn't even average. They show some promise, but normally allow too many runners.

Chris Bastian
Gonzales, La.

If it were not for Bobby Higginson and Jeff Weaver this would be a very boring team to watch. Higginson should be Comeback Player of the Year, Tony Clark should be traded for a bag of baseballs and a Happy Meal. He has more holes in his swing than a dozen donuts.

Mike Sicilia
Westland, Mich.

I remember the rebuilding that happened began for Cleveland in 1992. How their franchise really began turning around after the All-Star break that year. Without coincidence, their rebuilding coincided with the building of a new stadium. I believe what we are seeing here is a mirror image of what happened in Cleveland. But, hopefully Detroit will be more successful (World Series Pennant) than the Indians. Juan Gonazlez will stay with Detroit and will become a major factor.

Dan Johnson
Sioux Falls, S.D.

The Tigers biggest problem in the first half of the season was waiting and waiting for Juan Gone to get it going and take the team on his back. After about two months of waiting, players like Higginson and Palmer have said enough and are trying to make up for his lack of production and pride. It is dissappointing to see a Hall-of- Famer like Gonzalez look so pathetic because he doesn't want to prove that he is a Hall-of-Famer and take the Tigers to the pennant.

David Flick
Midland, Mich.

Come on Juan, wipe the tears out of your eyes, suck it up and play baseball! Personally, I think it's time the Tigers cut their losses with Juan and Randy Smith. I say good riddance to both of them.
Jeff Malin

I think Bobby Higginson has that offensive fire that he had in 1996 and 1997, and, although defense is often unnoticed, Higginson leads major league outfielders with 11 assists. Juan Gonzalez has been a disappointment to us, but, he has not been very healthy. I think he will come back to post respectable, although not Juan Gonzalez-like, numbers. And, despite a 5+ ERA, the pitching has been pretty good with the exception of a handful of games over the past month.

Nick Laws
Jackson, Mich.

As for Higgy being the MVP -- I doubt it. If there were no Todd Jones on this team, they may very well have fewer than 10 wins. The guy has been amazing, especially since the Tigers have one pitcher, Jeff Weaver, capable of going 9 innings.

Chip Smith
Ann Arbor, Mich.

How can a team with Bobby Higgingson, Dean Palmer, Juan Gonzalez, Tony Clark, and Juan Encarnacion be last in runs scored? However, the last month or so the bats have come alive. I expect better things in the second half from this club. I see them pulling past the .500 mark and maybe even making a run at the wild card. Don't laugh, it could happen!

Paul Brown
Ypsilanti, Mich.

Come on Juan, wipe the tears out of your eyes, suck it up and play baseball! Personally, I think it's time the Tigers cut their losses with Juan and Randy Smith. I say good riddance to both of them.

Jeff Malin
Lakeland, Fla.

The future is not so bleak for this team, but GM Randy Smith needs to take advantage of the trade values of Juan Gonzalez, Hideo Nomo, Tony Clark and especially Todd Jones. Jones is having a fantastic season, but this is his peak and many contenders will want him down the stretch.

Mark Copeland
Dearborn, Mich.

Have you ever had a boss ride you real, real hard, making pessimistic comments and causing you to feel worthless? It doesn't help you do better. Tigers fans have had to deal with a lot of dissapointment in the last few years, and now they are taking it out on the team. What they have to remember, is that the Tigers are a seperate team from the Red Wings, and we can't hold them to the same standard.

Tim Shedd
Belleville, Mich.


Midseason report: Detroit Tigers

MLB midseason reports