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Wednesday, July 12
We told you what we thought of the Mariners' first-half performance, now you've told us. Here is what you had to say about our reports and what the Mariners have to do in the second half:

All this talk about Ken Griffey and the Mariners are such a surprise without him needs to stop. It is not any surprise how well the M's are doing without him. And I don't think it is any surprise that the Reds are doing bad with Griffey in their lineup. Ken Griffey Jr. is the first priority for any team with him in their lineup and everything and everyone else is second to him. All that affects a team more than can be seen.
Eric Wilson
Tacoma, Wash.

Remember the old days when we Seattle fans bashed Woody Woodward? Sometimes we DO know what we're talking about. Gillick for Prez, Price for VP, and Edgar for MVP in 2000!
Owen Henderson

Even though I now live in Europe, I still try to follow the Mariners. After the Griffey trade everyone thought less of the club. From what I have seen, the trade has helped the team. All we have to do is fight off the A's
Byron Ginn
The Netherlands

I'm in complete bliss over the first half of the season. I think there is room for improvement on this team. To put this team over the top I would trade Dan Wilson and Brett Tomko for Jason Kendall from Pittsburgh. If he can't be had, go after Charles Johnson from Baltimore. I would love to see Moises Alou come over from Houston to shore up the outfield.
Chad Harsma
Sioux City, Iowa

I'm so unbelievable happy with my team's first-half performance. I recommend looking for that left-handed bat we are seeking. Some key names to consider:
• Johnny Damon (Rickey won't last forever...)
•  Garret Anderson (few guys swing vs lefties that well)
•  Bobby Higginson (What an arm....)
•  B.J. Surhoff (O's are going to trade a lot and this guy can hit....)
•  Ray Lankford (Cardinals are looking to make the final moves to ensure thier remaining performance...)
•  Roger Cedeno (Astros are also looking for pitching...)
•  Mark Kotsay (I like this guy, would Marlins let him go?)
Mario A. Samman
Tecamachalco, Mexico

I feel the only disappointment with Carlos Guillen is the fact the he appears to be injury prone. A healthy, on-base Guillen tremendously helps our lineup.
Jay Lane
Detroit, Mich.

I believe the one thing the Mariners really need is a good stick at third. The lineup is pretty much stacked everywhere else. It's not that David Bell is doing a bad job, it's just that they need a little bit more production from that spot. Other than that, the Mariners will win the West, and the A's will win the Wild Card.
Gary Miller
Arlington, Wash.

It's really not so surprising that the Mariners are in first at the break. Coming in to the season Pat Gillick did one hell of a job optimizing this team for Safeco.
The real MVP of this team is GM Pat Gillick, who once again is showing what a great baseball mind he has
Marshall Auerback,

He bolstered a completely broken bullpen with Sasaki and Arthur Rhodes, who have performed well. He then added Aaron Sele (11-3, 3.95 ERA, 2nd in the AL in wins) to an already strong starting rotation with Jamie Moyer, John Halama, Freddie Garcia and Gil Meche. Oh and don't forget that Ryan Anderson is honing his skills in Tacoma and should be joining the M's in the second half. Mike Cameron is playing centerfield well enough to make most M's fans forget number 24's defensive heroics, having pulled down several certain HRs at the fence. His offensive production hasn't been up to Griffey's standard, but that's not such a problem when you've got the greatest right handed batter the game has ever seen, Edgar Martinez, A-Rod and John "yes-he's-a-Coug" Olerud.
Steve Haugen
Bellevue, Wash.

The only fault I see in the M's at this point in the season is their dismal LOB percentage. But then, perhaps this can be excused as the M's aren't used to having one of the highest OBP in baseball. Solo homers were the tale of the day in years past. Perhaps I'm biased (naw!!) but I see no reason not to predict the M's in the series this year. My only hope would be that Cinci (and that unnamed centerfielder) would have a phenomenal second half, making it to the Fall Classic to face a certain lefty's former team ....and to see the M's take it in four!
Jack Blake

The real MVP of this team is GM Pat Gillick, who once again is showing (as he did in Toronto) what a great baseball mind he has. He came in virtually impossible circumstances and still was able to swing some deals which kept the team in contention for the World Series. Okay, he may have overplayed his hand a little bit on the Griffey trade, and he may not keep Rodriguez, but I would still wager that Seattle will be a top team next year in the AL with Gillick at the helm.
Marshall Auerback
London, England


Midseason report: Seattle Mariners