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Wednesday, July 12
Orioles fans give midseason report
We told you what we thought of the Orioles' first-half performance, now you've told us. Here is what you had to say about what the Orioles have to do in the second half:

Unfortunately, the Orioles are stuck with Joey "My name is Albert" Belle, not the kind of player a team needs. His lackluster defense coupled with his tendency to start hitting after the playoffs are out of reach, along with his well documented attitude problem make him a detriment to the team. To any team. Put him in the DH position full time and if he doesn't like it, maybe the Orioles will get lucky and he'll ask for a trade.

Padrick Doyle
Wheaton, Md.

Peter Angelos must go! His lawyer mentality and bloated ego have wrecked the Orioles.
James Rostron

Peter Angelos doesn't want a major overhaul. So don't do it. Try to trade a few veterans where it is beneficial (i.e. Mike Timlin, Will Clark) and start reloading for next year. The Oriole's aren't really that far away from contending.

Louie Karko
Perry Hall, Md.

This year has really been no different than the past 2 years: 50 or so games into the season, I am wondering, when are they going to gut this team, drop the payroll and maybe even ticket prices, and just start over? I know Peter Angelos loves the fans, but it should be clear even to someone with his ego that he doesn't know how to run a baseball team. Start over and use your money to lure a Pat Gillick type with the promise of no meddling so that this team can be good again. Oh, and Cal ought to give some thought to retiring.

Mike Fuller

Syd Thrift and Peter Angelos are entirely to blame. There was a core of youngsters in the minors that should be developing in the majors but are instead rotting while old and tired retreads take one last hack.

Joel Donaldson
Arlington, Va.

Owner Peter Angelos has destroyed this team. Running a major league franchise is not the same as running a law firm.
Mark Molnar

Peter Angelos must go! His lawyer mentality and bloated ego have wrecked the Orioles. From misguided personnel decisions to front office dysfunction to poor team morale, he has managed to drive this club into the ground. Worse still, he's totally clueless, even stating that he should become "more" involved in team operations. Nothing could be further from the truth or send a greater shudder through the hearts and minds of Orioles fans.

James Rostron
Washington, D.C.

The O's are stuck. They need pitching badly. If a starter doesn't go deep into a game there is no chance. A trade is needed, but who's out there? The league already has watered down pitching.

Tom Caswell
Richmond, Va.

The lack of any significant free agent signings or any sign of retooling after last years sleepwalk through the season didn't give me any "warm fuzzies" about this season.

Dan Bramer

Get Mussina and Johnson signed, let's make some deals to get some new blood in town, and let's start letting people do their jobs. Mr Angelos, I think you want to win. You can't rebuild a team with an average age above 30. We want some direction, we want some excitement. Show us that you mean business.

Mike Ebersole
Dayton, Ohio

I agree with the grade the Orioles received, but I think the blame falls on the upper management. What has happened to the wonderful organization we've built over the past twenty thirty years? Peter Angelos, thats what! Time to get back to basics!

John Naumann

Don't panic. Don't make any stupid trades. The O's have had a tendency of not being patient. To many rash, 'quick fixes', that have killed what chemistry they once had. We are still paying the price for letting Davey Johnson go.

Dave Kesmodel
Hollywood, Calif.

I get the sickest feeling of my day when I read that the Orioles turned to their bullpen late in the game. Baltimore's bullpen needs to shape up or ship out.

Justin Palmer
Annandale, Va.

All the Orioles need is a closer, and this team is above .500. Am I wrong? Check out how many times the O's have blown the lead in the 9th, after leading entering the inning. With a good closer, the Orioles are in first place right now.

Nate Snell
Columbia, Md.

Surprisingly, the "aging " Orioles have had solid hitting and with a little luck their pitching woes will turn into wins rather than those pride-swallowing losses.

P.J. Singh
College Park, Md.

Owner Peter Angelos has destroyed this team. Running a major league franchise is not the same as running a law firm. Too bad he can't sue Aaron Sele for having such a fine season for Seattle after "failing" his Baltimore physical.

Mark Molnar
Ellicott City, Md.


Midseason report: Baltimore Orioles

MLB midseason reports