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Sport Sections
Monday, February 26
Williams, Alderson talk over trade

TUCSON, Ariz. – Chicago White Sox general manager Kenny Williams met with Sandy Alderson of the commissioner's office Sunday to give his side of the disputed David Wells-for-Mike Sirotka trade.

"The commissioners' office is on the case, and I presented all the facts," Williams said. "Now we just await the decision."

The Blue Jays say Sirotka, who has a sore shoulder, is damaged goods and they want the six-player deal reworked. It is still unclear if Sirotka will need surgery.

The White Sox, who got Wells in the Jan. 14 trade, say the Blue Jays were informed that Sirotka had experienced previous arm problems, especially during the spring.

Williams reiterated his stance to Alderson but wouldn't give specifics.

"I gave them the facts as I know them, as they are. It's nothing more than I've already said and maintained over the course of how long this has gone on," Williams said. "I feel better now that I sat down and discussed the matter."

Alderson, who met Friday in Florida with Toronto GM Gord Ash, wouldn't detail Sunday's session.

"We spent some time with several members of the White Sox organization," he said.

Alderson did not gave a timetable for making his recommendation to commissioner Bud Selig, who has the final say.

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