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 Friday, May 12
Bochy calls turf 'worst stuff in world'
 Associated Press

CINCINNATI -- The San Diego Padres blame the artificial turf at Cinergy Field for the injury to reliever Rodney Myers, who tore the tendon below his left kneecap Thursday while fielding a bunt.

Myers ran toward the third baseline to field Pokey Reese's bunt in the eighth inning of an 11-9 loss to the Cincinnati Reds. When Myers planted his left foot, his cleats stuck and his momentum caused the knee to bend awkwardly.

Myers crumbled to the turf and rolled around in pain. Catcher Carlos Hernandez held his hand while trainers and Reds medical director Dr. Timothy Kremchek examined him. He was taken off on a cart.

"I've seen it before on turf," Padres manager Bruce Bochy said. "This is the worst stuff in the world. It should be banned. They lost their shortstop on it."

Reds shortstop Barry Larkin caught his glove on the turf while diving to try to get to a ball on April 21. He tore the sheath around the tendon at the base of his middle finger on the left hand, requiring surgery.

Larkin still wears a brace on the hand and hasn't been allowed to hold a bat or move the finger. He hopes to be back in a few weeks.

San Diego already has sent 11 players, including six pitchers, to the disabled list. Tony Gwynn, disabled by a sore knee, didn't make the trip.

The Reds tried to get grass planted at Cinergy Field this season, but Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown vetoed the idea. The Bengals share control of Cinergy with the Reds.

The Bengals will move into a new stadium in August, but retain veto power over changes at Cinergy until then. Brown was concerned that the Bengals might have to play preseason games on a dirt infield if Paul Brown Stadium falls behind schedule.

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