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 Thursday, April 27
Blister won's delay Wood's return
 Associated Press

HOUSTON -- Kerry Wood threw on the side before the Chicago Cubs' game against the Houston Astros on Wednesday, and had no problems with a blister that threatened to further delay his return to the majors.

Wood, who started the season on the disabled list after missing last year recovering from right elbow surgery, developed a blister on the middle finger of his throwing hand during a rehab start at Triple-A Iowa on Sunday.

"There is no burning sensation at all," Cubs manager Don Baylor said of Wood's blister. "We'll wait a couple of days to find out when he can pitch for sure."

Barring any setbacks, Wood, 22, will start either Saturday or Sunday against the Arizona Diamondbacks when the Cubs return to Wrigley Field.

Woods, the NL Rookie of the Year in 1998, had surgery last April 8 and missed the entire 1999 season. Wood tied a major league record by striking out 20 Houston Astros during his rookie season.