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Monday, July 10
Sosa says all options still open

ATLANTA -- Sammy Sosa wants to stay in Chicago for the rest of his career.

Or through 2001.

Or maybe through only this year.

A day after telling the Chicago Cubs he would veto any trade attempt, the star outfielder gave various positions on his future.

"I want to stay in Chicago," Sosa said Monday. "They're beautiful fans. They're beautiful people. They love baseball. I'm looking forward to staying in Chicago."

A few minutes later, thinking about the contract extension he wants, his position shifted.

"If they don't take care of me after this year is over, I'll probably finish next year and go to another place," Sosa said. "If they have a future with me, they'll close the deal. If not, I'll probably go to another place."

There's even a chance he would approve a trade during the offseason -- if it's the right deal.

"I really have to wait until the year is over the find out the whole situation," he said.

Sosa, whose $42.5 million, four-year contract expires after the 2001 season, had wanted the Cubs to either give him a contract extension now or trade him. Chicago had no intention of extending his contract at the price Sosa wanted: $15 million to $20 million annually.

Following the collapse of trade talks with the New York Yankees, Sosa's agents, Tom Reich and Adam Katz, told Cubs president Andy MacPhail on Sunday that their client would block any deals. As a 10-year veteran who's been on the same club for the last five years, he has that right.

Sosa then would become eligible for free agency after the 2001 season and the Cubs would get nothing if he left.

Sosa wouldn't say if the Cubs' refusal to extend his contract hurt him.

"I don't think now was maybe the right moment," he said.


Change of heart: Sosa tells Cubs not to trade him