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Will Griffey be traded?


Q: In light of Ken Griffey Jr.'s rather unproductive and unpleasant stay with the Cincinnati Reds (thus far), what is the likelihood the Reds will try to trade him? If so, what's the possibility of his ending up somewhere like Baltimore? -- Jason, Boston
Ken Griffey Jr.
-- I do not think Griffey will be traded, but I think you've come up with a perfect place for him. The Orioles need a marquee player, they're in the $45 million payroll neighborhood (excluding the Albert Belle contract), and putting Griffey in the outfield with Larry Bigbie and Jay Gibbons would give them a premium offensive group. The Orioles also have a ton of pitching that Cincinnati needs, from Sidney Ponson (whom the Reds have long coveted) to Erik Bedard, et al. But I doubt it will happen.

Q: How do you think Randy Johnson compares to Nolan Ryan? Where do you see him all-time? And how much juice do you think he has left in him (I remember when Clemens was "entering the twilight of his career")? -- Stephen Brewer, Bellevue, Wash.
-- Ryan was remarkable, but won more than 14 games only once after the age of 35. Randy turned 35 in 1998. He has won 19, 17, 19 and 21 games. And this season, in his seven starts, he has a quality start in each outing.

Q: Since Jim Thome will be a free agent, is it possible the Cleveland Indians will trade him for some upper-level prospects, if they are out of contention? What teams could possibly be a fit? -- Brian, Avon Lake, Ohio
-- The plan right now is to try to re-sign Thome, for to lose him after a slide to ".500 Town" would further deflate their attendance. The recent trend has been for players to do better with extensions rather than free-agent changes, with a few obvious exceptions. And with baseball apparently obsessed with creating a Middle European economy, this winter's climate may be dank.

Q: Do you think the New York Mets would be better suited to leave John Valentin at shortstop and trade Rey Ordonez and Jay Payton for a better center fielder? -- Mark Soliman, Yonkers, N.Y.
-- It's doubtful that John could hold up physically. Remember, he hasn't played much the last three years.

Q: Other than Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine, are there any marquee starting pitchers who will be free agents after this year? If so, what's the chance that the New York Yankees WON'T scoop them up? -- Marc, Boston
-- Other than Al Leiter, Maddux, Glavine and Roger Clemens, there aren't a lot of top pitchers. Jamie Moyer, Woody Williams, Paul Byrd, Shawn Estes, Jeff D'Amico, Jamey Wright, Omar Daal, Jeff Suppan, Kenny Rogers and Robert Person are among the other starters.

Q: How close is Chicago Cubs minor-league pitching phenom Mark Prior to making it to the majors? -- Joe Pacheco, Medford, Mass.
-- Very close, as his 10-strikeout debut for Iowa on Tuesday indicates. The Cubs plan to give him a few starts in Triple-A, then bring him up.

Q: How do you explain the resurgence of Ruben Sierra? Early in his career he was a potential superstar, but then he fell off the face of the earth. What do you attribute his turnaround to? Can he keep this pace up? -- Joel Chapman, Palatine, Ill.
Ruben Sierra
-- Learning, as Carlos Baerga also did, that he needs baseball a lot more than baseball needs him. The fact that he went and played for the plucky Cancun Lobstermen tells you all you need to know. When a player is willing to do anything to get another chance, he deserves a look. Jason Simontacchi is a great example, pitching in Italy -- and for the Italian National Team -- to get another chance ... and ending up starting for the Cardinals.

Q: With Tino Martinez struggling, the St. Louis media is blaming the change to the National League. How much truth is there to that? Or is that just an excuse? How much difference is there between a Seattle pitcher who throws fastball, curve, change and an Atlanta pitcher who throws fastball, curve, change? -- Scott Sassmann, Wentzville, Mo.
-- There are differences in the game and the way it is run when one changes leagues, but the canard about the National League being the fastball league and the American being the Trash Can Sinatras has been outdated for years. See Maddux/Glavine.

Q: With the pitching problems the Chicago White Sox are having, do you think they will deal for someone? -- Ben, USAFA, Colorado
-- Yes. They have a deep farm system, and GM Ken Williams is never afraid to make a deal.

Q: The Philadelphia Phillies certainly have enough money to sign Scott Rolen to a bigger contract. Why are they being so stubborn with one of the best players in the game? -- Paul, Moorestown, N.J.
-- When they sat down and made what Rolen admitted was a considerable offer, they told him to take it or they would go to the media. He wanted time to decide whether or not he believed the Phillies would ever have a chance to win, turning down the money on principle. Management then trashed him, and he got his back to the wall.

Q: I've heard lots of trade rumors regarding the Pittsburgh Pirates. They have some pitching depth, but they are sorely in need of another bat ... or two ... or six. Gabe Kapler is a name I've heard a lot. -- Ryan Werzyn, Arlington, Va.
-- They have looked around and have shopped Ron Villone, but while they need a bat or two, GM Dave Littlefield isn't going to make short-term deals that would endanger long-range views.

Q: The Los Angeles Dodgers may be be one of just a few teams in baseball confident in both the quality and depth of their pitching staff. But it's becoming clearer with each game that they need more hitting. Is there a trade to be made without giving up pitching? If so, with whom? -- John Teobaldi, California
-- My guess is that when they are certain that Kevin Brown is indeed healthy, they may deal Omar Daal for a bat at the July 31 trading deadline.

Manny Ramirez
Q: Can you please put to rest the ridiculous rumor that Manny Ramirez may be dealt to the Colorado Rockies for Mike Hampton? There's no way that trade would go down. -- Pete, Boston
-- The Rockies would like to deal Hampton, and I don't think Boston would be out of the question. There were feelers made on a deal involving Hampton and Larry Walker for Ramirez, but Boston had no interest.

Q: My roommates and I have been arguing for the past week over this question: Is there ever a time to slide into first base? We've all agreed your opinion will settle the issue. -- Nick Nolte (no, not the actor), Madison, Wisc.
-- What kind of grades are you going to get sitting around your rooms arguing about one of baseball's dumbest plays? How about debating cloning or the future of oil drilling in Alaska? Only kidding. Yes, there is a time, when the first baseman has to come off the bag and make a sweep tag.

Q: The bartenders at our fine establishment are having a heated debate ... do you think baseball is still America's favorite sport or do you think football has taken over? My argument is that people around here are only saying football because they're still riding the high of a Super Bowl victory. Others argue that TV ratings and merchandise sales point towards football. What are your thoughts? -- Dick Alexander, Cityside Bar and Grill, Brighton, Mass.
-- OK, I'll come over and have a beer and answer it. Really. The NFL is in a class by itself when it comes to being the No. 1 sport in America. Baseball is trying its best to become No. 5.

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