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Sharing with college students good therapy


Sept. 20
Earlier this week, I followed through on my commitment to appear for a speaking engagement at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, Ohio. I was wavering on this, afraid to travel as so many Americans are.

There were tears shed, hugs and emotion felt, and a rendition of "God Bless America." It was therapy at its best.
After the unbelievable tragedy that hit us, I knew I had to go on with life. I was glad I made the decision to go. The beautiful youngsters at Baldwin-Wallace, the students that were gathered to hear my presentation, really inspired me. Looking into their faces, I shared with them about what makes our nation so strong.

The whole scenario was so encouraging to me. Our nation is built on young people, individuals who have tremendous dreams and goals. No terrorists can ever, ever take that away from our beautiful nation.

I want to thank everyone at Baldwin-Wallace for making me feel at home. There were tears shed, hugs and emotion felt, and a rendition of "God Bless America." It was therapy at its best.

A special "thank you" to Steve Bankson, the basketball coach and athletic director. I appreciated visiting his class on leadership and administration on the athletic level. That was exciting and brought back memories of teaching in East Rutherford, N.J. It was great to see the enthusiasm and energy of the students.

It was a great time for me and, I hope, for all the kids at Baldwin-Wallace. My message is to get on with our lives, move forward and continue in a positive manner.

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