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2001 NCAA Tournament Special Section

Dick Vitale Archive

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In midst of pageantry, two Goliaths battle


I have said many times that the Final Four is the best sporting event in America. It is such a special place to be. One reason it is special is the one-game scenario where if you lose, you go home. It isn't like the four-of-seven playoff, where you have the opportunity to bounce back if you have a bad night.

There is no question that two Goliaths are competing Monday night. It is special because all the alums come out to cheer on their teams.
You must come to play, because one bad moment can keep you from moving on. As my late buddy Jimmy Valvano used to say, it's about surviving and advancing. You can talk about how a team played or shot, but the bottom line is to get to the winner's circle. Arizona and Duke have done just that.

There is no question that two Goliaths are competing Monday night. It is special because all the alums come out of the woodwork to cheer on their teams. They put on their favorite sweatshirt and reminisce about their days on that college campus. I saw a row of former Duke players that included Grant Hill, Jeff Capel and Chris Carrawell together on Saturday night.

The Final Four unites everyone at a given school. Presidents of institutions celebrate -- I saw the Duke president wearing her sweatshirt and cheering her team on. When you saw the Arizona crowd, many people who haven't been around for several years came in. If your team makes the championship game, it is just a wonderful feeling.

You look around and see celebrities galore, from the sports world, the entertainment field and the business community. There are presidents and CEOs of major corporations enjoying the action. There are activities like Hoop City for the young and old fans alike. I saw Peyton Manning of the Colts, who is a big sports fan.

It is a special moment to see the pageantry with the bands, the cheerleaders, the fans in face paint. There is such enthusiasm and spirit; the excitement is so unique.

I have been blessed in my life to be there. It's always a time that gives me goose bumps, when they announce the starting lineups and the coaches come out on the court. As a former coach, you can't even imagine it -- you just wonder what that moment must be like.

All the eyes of the coaches will be on Coach K and Lute Olson. Now they are one step away from adding another national title to the resumé.

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