Sunday, February 3
Lewis focuses on finding another opponent

Associated Press

LONDON -- Heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis says he won't fight Mike Tyson on April 6, but he could take on another challenger.

Atlanta a possibility
Atlanta could be considered as a site for the Lennox Lewis-Mike Tyson fight if certain financial requirements are met, Lewis promoter Gary Shaw told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Shaw confirmed on Tuesday (Feb. 5) that he has had inquiries from parties in Georgia, but also stressed that no official offers have been made. It would take a guaranteed fight fee of around $12 million to draw the attention of the Lewis-Tyson promoters.

"If Atlanta is good enough for Evander Holyfield and the Olympics, then it is certainly good enough for Lewis-Tyson," Shaw said.

"But right now, Lennox has not made a decision to go forward or not. We will not actively pursue anything until Lennox makes the decision himself."

Georgia Dome assistant general manager Carl Adkins said there has been an inquiry to hold the fight in its facility on April 6, but no application has been submitted.

Tyson was denied a license in Nevada, but that might not be the same result in Georgia.

"Nevada had prior unpleasant experiences with Tyson, and that may or may not have a bearing here," said Loring Baker, one of the five commissioners. "At this time, in my opinion, I know of no reason of why Georgia would deny him a license."

Atlanta Sports Council president Gary Stokan is doubtful that the fight could be organized by April.

"I don't know if there is an appetite from the corporate world to fund something like this, and I don't know how you could raise $12 million in such a short amount of time," he said.
-- news services

"The April 6 date is definitely out the window for the Tyson fight, but it may be OK for another fight," Lewis told BBC Radio on Sunday. "Later in the year for a Lewis-Tyson fight, definitely.

"Mike Tyson is the ultimate matchup in my era and it would be disappointing not only for me but for the public not to see that matchup, so on the sport aspect that fight should be made."

If Lewis goes ahead with a fight April 6, his most likely opponent would be IBF challenger Chris Bird.

On Monday, Tyson adviser Shelly Finkel said he was unaware that the April date was out. "We'll meet to discuss it," Finkel said.

Meanwhile, Michigan's boxing commissioner told the Detroit News that Tyson would be licensed in his state if he applied.

David Sebastian said Monday there's noting to stop Tyson from fighting in the state, despite the fact that Nevada wouldn't license him last week. The newspaper said Detroit might be attractive because the MGM Grand Casino, which had hoped to stage the fight in Las Vegas, and the Motor City Casino are promoting boxing in the area and would be big boosters of a fight.

Tyson lost his bid to fight Lewis in Las Vegas on April 6 when the Nevada Athletic Commission voted 4-1 last Tuesday to deny him a boxing license.

Lewis and Tyson brawled last month at a news conference in New York to announce the fight.

Lewis has not ruled out the possibility of fighting Tyson outside the United States. South Africa, the Netherlands and Germany have expressed interest in holding the bout.

Tyson has taken the first step in applying for a license in California, where he hopes to fight Lewis. Texas also has expressed strong interest in hosting the bout.

Rob Lynch, executive director of the California State Athletic Commission, has said a hearing probably will be held late this month.

"There are a lot of different situations that could develop," Lewis said. "Everything is still young, the decision has just been made and we need to go back and see what comes out of this.

"But I would love to beat up Tyson and give him a whipping because the public want to see it, plus the fans want to see a Lewis-Tyson matchup, so it is a disappointment to those people as well."

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