Saturday, November 17
Round-by-round of Lewis-Rahman

Associated Press

LAS VEGAS -- Round-by-round of the Hasim Rahman-Lennox Lewis heavyweight championship fight Saturday night, won by Lewis in a fourth-round knockout:

Round 1

Rahman got in a high jab to the body to open the action and then another. Lewis missed a wild right and Rahman came back with a jab. Rahman got in another jab but there were no serious punches landed in the first minute. Lewis missed a big right, drawing a roar from the crowd. Lewis got in a right hand mid-round, and Rahman came back with a couple of shots to the body. Lewis got in a stiff jab at 1:45, and then another. The two went into a clinch with a minute left. Lewis got in a good jab at 2:15, and then they exchanged jabs. Rahman landed a hard jab and then two more. Both landed hard jabs. Lewis landed a jab at the bell. Rahman was cut over the left eye from a punch.

The Associated Press gives the round to Rahman.

Round 2

Rahman got in a left jab to the body to open the second round and then both missed hooks. Lewis got in a right to the body after 50 seconds. The two went into a clinch and Rahman was warned about clutching and holding. The action slowed again as the round approached midpoint. Rahman got in a short right to the jaw. There were a few scattered boos about the lack of action. Lewis landed a right hand to the head with 45 seconds left in the round. Lewis was on his toes more than Rahman. Rahman got in a jab to the body and Lewis answered with one to the head. Lewis landed to stiff jabs to the head.

Lewis' round.

Round 3

Once again, Rahman opened up with a jab to the body. The two exchanged jabs. Neither did much for the next 30 seconds until Rahman got in a stiff jab. So far, it's been a battle of jabs. Lewis missed a hard right and got hit with a good left hook. The two went into a clinch at mid-round. Lewis was circling as Rahman was stalking, much like the first two rounds. Lewis hurt him with a right to the head at 1:50. Rahman got in a jab with 45 seconds left. Rahman got in a good looping left to the head with 35 seconds left. Lewis landed a right-hand lead. Lewis got in two jabs but missed with a right. Lewis landed a stiff jab just before the bell.

Lewis' round.

Round 4

Rahman came out jabbing and landed three. Lewis missed with a big left hook and the two got tangled up. Lewis landed a hard right 20 seconds into the round. The two went back to boxing, and Rahman landed a good jab at the one-minute mark. Right hand and Rahman is down at 1:13. Rahman struggled up at 9 and fell down, and Lewis has won.

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